Reiki & Chakra Balancing Session
Remove blockages, clarify life lessons, restore vibrational frequencies, and align chakras.
Service Description
Remain fully clothed for this gentle energetic healing session. Hands are held above you over different chakras and blockages. Your practitioner may gently place hands-on areas, if you're comfortable in her doing so. An intention is set at the beginning of each session, and universal energy is channeled through your practitioner to gently remove blockages, clarify life lessons, restore vibrational frequencies, and align chakras. You may wish to discuss some energies and situations with your practitioner, or you may prefer to have a quiet, reflective energetic treatment. There is no wrong way, and Reiki can not cause harm. Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. Through the "laying of hands" gently on or above the body, the practitioner channels universal (Rei) life energy (Ki). We offer Reiki treatment with and without massage to fit your preference and needs. Celia was attuned to Reiki Master in 2015 and has continuously added to her skill set by learning from and working with other light workers. She has apprenticed under Tina Eshkawkogan, Healer and Spiritual Teacher from Wikemikong First Nation.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 48 hours in advance
Contact Details
Town of, 61 King William Street, Huntsville, ON, Canada